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Summer Ball 2015

Our 2015 Summer was the biggest event Manor Hall has ever played host to, with 180 people sitting down for a five course dinner after enjoying a drinks reception in the gardens in glorious June sunshine. With Pimms and Prosecco flowing and the sound of a string quartet providing a ambient backdrop to what we were sure was going to be a special evening in the life of the Association.

As well as celebrating the achievements of this years graduands 2015 also marks the 90th anniversary of the Association and we couldn't have asked for a better event to mark this momentous milestone. Dinner was followed by the traditional toasts; with our one of our Vice-Presidents, Mr Christopher Didcote, responding to the toast to the Association giving an account on why he thinks the Association is still important after all these years; a transcript of which can be found here. Our other Vice-President, Mrs Lilian Brown, proposed the toast to the Graduands and in her typical fashion had all those present enthralled.

Dinner was followed by a wide range of entertainments ranging from a casino through to a DJ set down in the Bar and Junior Common. Things came to a close at 2:00am with the room still full of people enjoying the festivities. We hope all 250 we welcomed had a thoroughly enjoyable evening. For our part it was pleasing to see so many generations of Manorites come together on what for us as an Association was a very special evening.


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